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How KAAL Transporte increased productivity advanced GPS tracking solutions


KAAL Transporte, headquartered in Germany, is a known player in the logistics industry. Their method is grounded in a commitment to punctual delivery of both regular and VIP packages, as well as a measurable assessment of client satisfaction. While KAAL ran smoothly, the logistics industry as a whole faces complex problems that require logical and scientific solutions.


Facing the challenge

High operating costs were eating into KAAL Transporte’s profitability. What was the main reason behind it? Unauthorized use of their vehicles outside of working hours. The result was a leak in their resources, both in terms of fuel and vehicle wear and tear. This wasn’t just a financial issue, it was a strategic dilemma affecting their sustainability and scalability.


Technical exploration

Through a referral from a leading company in the same industry, KAAL found out about Linqo’s advanced GPS tracking solutions. Intrigued by the system’s potential to bring control and visibility into its operations, KAAL decided it was time to take action. While KAAL had previously tested various tracking systems, they found most of them lacked the technical robustness, reliability, and user-centric interface crucial for their operations.


The transformation

For KAAL, our solution was more than just a tracking tool but an intricate blend of advanced telematics and user-friendly interfaces. The features most appreciated by KAAL included:

  • Live tracking: utilizing cutting-edge geolocation data to ensure pinpoint accuracy and reduce latency in real-time vehicle monitoring.
  • Live updates: dynamic data syncing allows fleet managers to obtain up-to-the-minute updates on every vehicle, ensuring immediate responsiveness to any unauthorized activities.

Thus, live tracking and updating became indispensable assets. With a fleet of 24 vehicles, these features were paramount in streamlining operations. And how do they measure the outcome? A staggering weekly saving of over 110 liters of fuel by curbing unauthorized trips. This was efficiency and sustainability, hand in hand. Thus, operational outcomes can be summarized as follows:

  • Fuel optimization: consistent reduction in fuel consumption, saving upwards of 110 liters weekly.
  • Operational compliance: marked decline in unauthorized vehicular movements, resulting in enhanced fleet management.
  • Extended fleet lifespan: reduced wear and tear, indicating optimized vehicle usage.


In KAAL’s words

Our solution, as described by KAAL, is “inexpensive, professional, and easy to use.” Their advice to other logistics entities pondering a similar leap? “Just give it a try. Whether you test the system, start at a comfortable pace, or opt for a monthly contract, the value proposition is undeniable”.

Today, as packages continue to flow seamlessly through Germany, behind the scenes, KAAL Transporte operates with unmatched efficiency based on GPS solutions that truly meet the needs of modern logistics. More than just a success story, this highlights the importance of precision-engineered systems and shows what can be accomplished when the technology and vision come together.



Let’s connect

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+370 5 2045188

[email protected]


Perkūnkiemio st. 6 – 1
LT-12130 Vilnius,

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